Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - Wikipedia
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle - How Quantum Suicide Works | HowStuffWorks
Spinoza and "Anti-Oedipus." On Desiring One's Own Suppression | Epoché Magazine
What Neuroscience Has To Say About The 'Tortured Genius' | HuffPost Life
The Sermon At Benares
The Questions of King Milinda (SBE35): Book II: The Distinguishing Characteristics of Ethical Qualities: Chapter 1
Guy Debord - Wikipedia
Tautology (logic) - Wikipedia
Notes to Deleuze and Guattari’s Anti-Oedipus: Chapters 1 and 2 – Fractal Ontology
Foucault in the Valley of Death | Andrew Marzoni
Theodor W. Adorno - Wikipedia
Slavoj Žižek - Wikipedia
How many souls are in this world? | by Dada Bhagwan | Medium
Franz Kafka - Wikipedia
The failure of Reason: Adorno and the non-identical | The Charnel-House
Simulacrum in Literature: Baudrillard and Barthelme | Blue Labyrinths
God in the Central Tower: Disciplined Religion and the Panopticon | MCM 0100 Fall 2010 Course Blog
Rhizome (philosophy) - Wikipedia
Panopticon - Wikipedia
A Panopticon for your Zoom Breakout Rooms · Matt Salomone
Marx and “Anti-Oedipus.” On Desiring One’s Own Suppression | Epoché Magazine
What is Acid Communism?. Mark Fisher’s unfinished philosophy... | by Stuart Mills | The Startup | Medium
Let Go of Attachment: You Can Be Happy Even if Things Change
The Philosophy of Vaporwave – Vapor95
Mark Fisher | Acid Communism (Unfinished Introduction) – BLACKOUT ((poetry & politics))
Simulacra and Simulation - Wikipedia
Panopti-claus: Foucaultian social control for the kiddies | Savage Minds
Capitalist Realism: Is there no alternative? | by Diana McPartlin | Medium
K-punk, capitalist realism and acid communism
The Bard of Capitalist Realism by Ed Simon | Poetry Foundation
Yes, there’s such a thing as a ‘female gaze.’ But it’s not what you think. | by Stefani Forster | Truly. | Medium
The Black Masses of Michel Foucault, the Bullshit of Guy Sorman
The Solar Anus | The Anarchist Library
Reddit - askphilosophy - What do Deleuze/Guattari mean by Judge Schreber's 'Solar Anus'?
Detachment (philosophy) - Wikipedia
Camille Paglia on Revenge of the Sith on Vimeo
Sublime (philosophy) - Wikipedia
Psychogeography - Wikipedia
Acéphale - Wikipedia
Dialectic of Enlightenment - Wikipedia
Neo-Kantianism - Wikipedia
Nietzsche, Regret and Amor Fati -The School of Life Articles
Jung — How to Integrate your Shadow | by Will Russell | Medium
How to Integrate Your Shadow – The Dark Side is Unrealized Potential